Bert van de Zande and Henk Jan Spanjaard of NetApp Benelux delivered the C230 at CIV on 24 April 1998. Together with them we did the base install of the C230. This consists of giving the C230 power, a networkconnection, and some basic information about his place on the network (ip, name, dns, ntp, mail, and type of network (10/100 Mbit)) by use of a serial connection (in this case a laptop).
After that was done, the rest of the configuration could be done from the Internet. The rest of that day was spent on playing with the configuration of the NetApp and getting a feeling of the way NetApp works.
Also some webpages on how to use this proxy were made, in order to give users some basic info about the way the should configure their browsers.
The next week we asked the CIV to email all network contactpersons on the university and ask them to configure proxy for the networks they maintained. We told them this was a test, and after the test we hoped the UT would have it's own proxy up and running to take everything over. CIV agreed with that approach and built it's own proxy in the time the NetApp was here. We decided to tell users only about using proxy by way of a proxy automatic configuration script, so that we could control from one central place, if and which proxy people would use. The respons wasn't as overwhelming as we hoped, but it gave us around 500-700 users (very much dependent on day of week).
The NetApp comes with a nice documentation box, in which you find a book about the NetApp NetCache, a floppy with a cache-OS, a CD-rom with the documentation, and some forms for registration (to get access to the NOW website for cache-OS updates, other documentation and services).
The NetApp can be configured from the web by connecting to http://netapp:3128/
The menu consists of the following items: